The children who acted in 'Slumdog Millionaire' are world famous and considered almost heroes in India. However, after the film won eight Oscars the children have returned to the stark reality of India.Now, Rubina Ali, aged nine, who plays Latika child and Azharuddin Ismail, 10 years, serving as Salim, return to the big screen in a Bollywood production. Both have been hired to act in Kal dekha Kissner (Who has seen tomorrow?)
"Having given pride to the nation," the state government promised last week to give two small houses to live justly in so-called slums of Bombay.But so far there is nothing has been heard and children still live in abysmal conditions.
Azharuddin has also suffered other problems, the most serious was beaten by his father, who is known to be an alcoholic and that he suffers from tuberculosis.
"I was so confused and stressed by the return of my son home I lost control. I love him very much and am very happy to have him at home, he publicly apologized.
"Having given pride to the nation," the state government promised last week to give two small houses to live justly in so-called slums of Bombay.But so far there is nothing has been heard and children still live in abysmal conditions.
Azharuddin has also suffered other problems, the most serious was beaten by his father, who is known to be an alcoholic and that he suffers from tuberculosis.
"I was so confused and stressed by the return of my son home I lost control. I love him very much and am very happy to have him at home, he publicly apologized.
Very nice 9/10